Your Cats poop Can Indicate Quite a Bit About Your Cats Health
Hair in the poop is normal because cats groom and the have barbed tongues which pull hair into their mouth and gets swallowed. Excessive amounts of hair can indicate over grooming which could be from stress, skin irritation or disease that causes over shedding. Over grooming can also lead to hairballs and internal obstructions
Tapeworms can also be visible in cat stool which is shiny, white and the size of rice. Household items like dental floss might be visible because cats love to chew. Keep chewable items out of paws reach to avoid obstructions.
NOTE -If you notice multiple items like sticks, rocks, dirt, and soap in your cat's stool or on its own it keeps be a condition called Pica which is a behavioral issue but it could also be a vitamin deficiency.
SPECIAL OFFER If your cat is stressed out, has IBD, Digestive Issues or Diarrhea, Prana Pets Full Spectrum CBD Oil can be very helpful. Take 40% off your purchase. USE CODE: DIGESTION
SPECIAL OFFER If your cat is stressed out, has IBD, Digestive Issues or Diarrhea, Prana Pets Full Spectrum CBD Oil can be very helpful. Take 40% off your purchase. USE CODE: DIGESTION
Good Digestion Formula
:|~|:prdimgtp:--:variant:|~|:prdimgsrcset:--::|~|:prdimgalt:--:Good Digestion Formula - Pet Digestion:|~|:prdimg:--:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-8650685:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:cart:|~|:prdbtnelt:--:_self:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:BUY NOW!:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-padding-medium bcss-8650685:|~|:prdbtnalign:--:zpa-button-alignment-center:|~|:handle:--:good-digestion-formula-pet-digestion:|~|:dcrt2class:--:ba-8650689:|~|:dcrt1class:--:ba-8650692:|~|:crtmsgclass:--:pcma-8650685:|~|:brdclass:--:ba-8650695:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cart Poop Color
Dark brown is normal
Black indicates blood in the stool
Tan or light brown can indicate liver or pancreas issues or a high fiber diet
Mucous or gel could indicate Colitis
Dark brown is normal
Black indicates blood in the stool
Tan or light brown can indicate liver or pancreas issues or a high fiber diet
Mucous or gel could indicate Colitis
The ideal stool is firm and shaped like a log or nugget. Diarrhea or soft stool is abnormal and could indicate a food allergy, IBD or something else.
Note-Constipation can indicate a medical issue like an obstruction or need for dietary change like adding fiber or increasing water consumption which can be done by adding a free-flowing water fountain.If your cat has any type of Inflammation or digestive issues Prana Pets CBD Oil.
The Litter, Litterbox, and Placement of Litterbox
-Try a place with less traffic with an escape route if other pets come by.
-If you have a multi-cat household get multiple boxes. Cats do not like to share
-Keep the litter box clean. Cats thrive best on clean litterboxes
-In studies, cats prefer larger litterboxes
-Open cat litterboxes are favored by cats as closed litter boxes does not give them an escape route
-Electronic litter boxes can scare cats and they might not want to defecate and get constipated or go somewhere else in the house
-Make sure your cat likes the litter. There is clay, silica, wheat (potential allergies), pine, corn, pellets, recycled a newspaper and a variety of others. Cats have their own preferences but mainly prefer a clumping litter. Even though clumping clay litter is the most preferred it's not ideal when a cat licks their paws and swallows it. Also, its best to have an unscented litter because not every kitty likes every odor.
SPECIAL OFFER If your cat is stressed out, has IBD, Digestive Issues or Diarrhea, Prana Pets Full Spectrum CBD Oil can be very helpful. Take 40% off your purchase. USE CODE: DIGESTION
SPECIAL OFFER If your cat is stressed out, has IBD, Digestive Issues or Diarrhea, Prana Pets Full Spectrum CBD Oil can be very helpful. Take 40% off your purchase. USE CODE: DIGESTION
Good Digestion Formula
:|~|:prdimgtp:--:variant:|~|:prdimgsrcset:--::|~|:prdimgalt:--:Good Digestion Formula - Pet Digestion:|~|:prdimg:--:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-8650960:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:cart:|~|:prdbtnelt:--:_self:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:BUY NOW!:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-padding-medium bcss-8650960:|~|:prdbtnalign:--:zpa-button-alignment-center:|~|:handle:--:good-digestion-formula-pet-digestion:|~|:dcrt2class:--:ba-8650971:|~|:dcrt1class:--:ba-8650968:|~|:crtmsgclass:--:pcma-8650960:|~|:brdclass:--:ba-8650965:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cart