Cat sinus infections are the most common infections in cats. They are also called cat colds or flu, respectively. They can be caused by a virus, bacteria, fungal infections, or allergies. Identify an infection early on to give your cat appropriate treatment and ensure that they recover quickly. The problem is that cats will hide clinical signs of illness. Once you can identify the characters, you’ll know how to treat sinus infection in cats,
Rhinitis Vs. Sinusitis
Rhinitis is inflammation of the mucus membranes that line the nose. In contrast, sinus infections are caused by an infection of the upper respiratory system. Rhinitis can be acute or chronic.
– Chronic rhinitis has no cure, but it may go away on its own. Many cats have this condition year-round.
– Acute rhinitis causes temporary nasal pain (if your cat has a swollen nose bridge), increased mucus production, and nose irritation. All three usually occur due to colds or allergies.
Symptoms Of Upper Respiratory Infections In Cats
Runny nose, fatigue, fever, or some swelling may be signs of cat infections. Keep an eye out if your cat is pawing at their face in irritation. If your cat sneezes or reverse sneezes — inhaling nasal discharge into their lungs — that can also be a symptom. Note any decrease in appetite as well.
Veterinarians usually require a complete physical examination and a history of behavior changes and appetite before diagnosing infections.
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nose lining. It has many causes, including infections, allergies, or pressure on other areas in the head. Cat rhinitis can also be caused by infections that affect both nasal passages and sinuses, known as dual infection rhinosinusitis (DIRS).
DIRS occurs when bacteria get into a cat’s nasal passage through their mouth or nose and then travel down to infect their sinuses. People find it hard to diagnose because pets may show no outward signs but can still spread infections through sneezing or coughing. If your pet develops symptoms like sneezing, congestion, and discharge, treat infections to prevent secondary illness.
How to Help Ease Sinus Inflammation
Veterinarians usually prescribe antibiotics to treat infections in cats. They may also order X-rays to diagnose diseases and decide the best course of treatment.
Cat infections may respond well to treatment with antibiotics, but sometimes pet owners want to find cat supplements for assistance. If not treated early, these infections can become chronic cat infections leading them to develop fibrous tissue inside their head known as polyps that continue releasing bacteria into the cat’s nasal cavity. The problem is when a cat has allergies, and you don’t want them on antibiotics in the long run.
At Prana Pets, our Sinus Support is a natural nasal decongestant for cats. Sinus Support for Cats is made from a proprietary blend of natural herbs to treat breathing problems or allergies. This natural supplement can help unblock clogged nasal passages while reducing discomfort from sinus headaches.
Provide Natural Support For Cat Health With Prana Pets
Prana Pets is more than ready to help your cats with herbal health supplements. We turn to the power of nature to find solutions to chronic health problems, to reduce long-term side effects.
To find out more about treating nasal discharge, schedule a call with one of our Pet Health Experts today. Our team is here to answer your questions and give guidance on the proper remedies for your cat.